Programming Languages For The Web Developmet

Hello reader, 

Hope you're doing well.

In this post I have shared some of the best programming languages which are used in the web development which you can consider learning to get the best skills and work in the particular field. So , without wasting more time let's get our heads on too the main part of the post and start learning the best.

I will be depicting the scenario of different programming through some key-points. The topics I am going to discuss are :-
  • Web Development

First of all lets learn what are the duties of this jobs:-

  1. Web Development:- The person working in the field of web development is known as a web developer. His basic Duties are to design and develop the web apps which works with the browsers and web applications. Web development is further divided into 3 categories i.e. 
    • Front-end development which deals with the design and development off the user interface of the website.
    • Backend development which deals with the development of the server-side code writing which enables the front-end to work more effectively.
    • Full-stack development deals with both. The person working in this field have knowledge of both fields front-end and back-end and can work with any of these.( And believe me it is the very high paying job😁😁😁)

    • Now let's Discuss about the languages you need to  learn to do web development...

    • Front-end development:-
      • HTML - Hyper text Markup Language is the most basic language you need to know . It is the skeleton of your website. (Remember don't take it as a programming language, it's not.)
      • CSS - Cascading Style Sheets is the basic  language you need to know for the design part of the language.(It is  also not a programming language)
      • JavaScript - Now this is the real programming language you need to know . The best thing about this language is you can use it for front-end and the framework like node.js in JavaScript language is also used for backend.(So it will be the best language for the programming language you must learn).
    • Back-end development:-


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